Saturday, June 11, 2011

lori schnori ♪


hello ♪♫

I'm rigth now at loreens place ♥
she has a new laptop and we played 
around with her webcam •* o *•)9

sososososo~ much fun xD

so here a "normal" picture...
I don't want you to get blind

and now some ....hmmm....other pictures....

haha I hope your eyes aren't bleeding
bye bye ♪♪♪

@momickey: thanks, honey ♥
@unhalcyon: danke ; o ;)
das freut mich
@shai: danke, frau fischi :D ♥
@tini: haha lieber nicht!! XD
@lena: danke aber gntm guck ich nicht xDD
@hella: ich habs mir angesehen! echt süß geworden ♥


  1. lovely pictures cutie!! ~
    you are cute without make up !!

  2. haha, sehr süße bilder ♥ und meine augen bluten nicht

  3. I love your blog muchly ~~ ♥
    Your style is so cute and kawaii ( ^ o ^ ○ ) / ~
    I speak Japanese and English but that is all (>w<;;)○ ~~
    I follow, care follow me? { }
    ~~ Loves muchly, and thanks alotmuch,
    WynterChanPakuPaku ! .
