hello my dearest old & new follower
time is running and I didn't
post for such a long time now
but finally I wanna write something about the
bookfair in leipzig
Mio and I decided to twin
(she borrowed me so many of
her clothes (;_;) thank u again )
yeah and this is how we looked like:
picture taken by mimi and edited by mio
picture taken by a girl I duno edited by me
taken by mimi edited by mio
and some photos with friends:
taken by yuu
taken by yuu
credits: www.fotoecken.com
credits: www.fotoecken.com
and here is the best picture ever:
taken by mimi edited by mio
and now some with mimi :
and one with misa:
and last but not least one
of my sister:
taken by caro
I could post so much more pictures
but I think that are enough
I had an awesome day
thanks to mio & mimi
you're both such sweethearts
maybe I'll do an entry with
some other "normal" pictures of
my last weeks or not xDD
you'll see~
have a nice weekend my lovelies